Flight Load Analysis Based on Panel Method Considering Static Aeroelastic Effects for the Design Process of Airplane
The flight load analysis in modern airplane design demands high precision and high efficiency. The flight load analysis based on the panel methods considering static aeroelastic effects was presented, which was utilized to perform the aeroelastic optimization in the design process of an airplane for rapid iteration. The low-order panel method was employed in the conceptual design to analyze the aerodynamic force, which was suitable for the extensive computation in searching the optimal aerodynamic shape. The preliminary design utilized the high-order panel method for aerodynamic analysis to guarantee precision and efficiency simultaneously. The detailed design introduced CFD or test data as extra aerodynamic forces to improve the precision of the basic panel method and maintain efficiency. The research indicates that the flight analysis based on the panel methods considering static aeroelastic effects is applicable to engineering and can satisfy the design process of modern airplanes.