主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院
陈皓宇, 黄河峡, 谭慧俊. 放气槽布局形式及开槽角度对二元高超声速进气道性能的影响[J]. 气体物理, 2023, 8(2): 24-31. DOI: 10.19527/j.cnki.2096-1642.1008
引用本文: 陈皓宇, 黄河峡, 谭慧俊. 放气槽布局形式及开槽角度对二元高超声速进气道性能的影响[J]. 气体物理, 2023, 8(2): 24-31. DOI: 10.19527/j.cnki.2096-1642.1008
CHEN Hao-Yu, HUANG He-Xia, TAN Hui-Jun. Effects of Configuration and Slot Angle of the Bleed System on the Performance of Hypersonic Inlet[J]. PHYSICS OF GASES, 2023, 8(2): 24-31. DOI: 10.19527/j.cnki.2096-1642.1008
Citation: CHEN Hao-Yu, HUANG He-Xia, TAN Hui-Jun. Effects of Configuration and Slot Angle of the Bleed System on the Performance of Hypersonic Inlet[J]. PHYSICS OF GASES, 2023, 8(2): 24-31. DOI: 10.19527/j.cnki.2096-1642.1008


Effects of Configuration and Slot Angle of the Bleed System on the Performance of Hypersonic Inlet

  • 摘要: 通过对典型二元高超声速进气道进行数值仿真,研究了放气槽的布局形式以及放气槽的开槽角度θ对进气道总体性能的影响规律。研究结果表明:在放气总有效流通面积不变的前提下,多个放气槽的布局形式能够以更少的流量损失换取总压恢复系数的显著提升,且槽的数量越多,单个槽的有效流通面积越小,σ提升得越多,但当单个槽的有效流通面积d小于0.4Hth(按喉道高度无量纲化)时,这种变化趋势趋于平缓。当开槽角θ介于30°~120°时,放气量流量比随角度的增加而降低;当120°≤θ≤150°时,放气流量比随θ的增加而增加;30°≤θ≤150°时,喉道总压恢复系数σθ的增加而降低,而喉道压比Πθ的增加而单调增加。因此采用多个0.2Hth~0.4Hth有效流通面积的放气槽为较理想的放气布局形式,而开槽角度可根据实际需要来选取。


    Abstract: The numerical simulation of a typical two-dimensional hypersonic inlet was carried out to study the effects of configuration and slot angle of the bleed system on the performance of hypersonic inlet. It is found that the use of more bleed slots can achieve a greater increase in total pressure recovery coefficient with less flow loss on the premise that the total flow path height remains unchanged, and the greatest total pressure recovery can be achieved with single flow path height lower than 0.4Hth. Furthermore the bleed flow rate decreases with the increase of the slot angle when 30° ≤ θ ≤ 120°, and increases when 120° ≤ θ ≤ 150°. The result also shows that the total pressure recovery coefficient of throat decreases while the throat pressure ratio increases with the increase of the slot angle when 30° ≤ θ ≤ 150°. Therefore, the use of multiple bleed slots with single flow path height of 0.2Hth to 0.4Hth is re-commended, and the slot angle can be selected according to actual needs.


