主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Numerical Simulation of Flap-Control Aeroelastic Response Using CFD/CSD Coupling

  • 摘要: 在动态网格上通过耦合求解流动控制方程和结构动力学方程, 发展了一种舵面控制下飞行器运动响应过程中气动弹性数值模拟研究方法.流动控制方程采用N-S方程, 结构动力学采用线性模态叠加方法, 其中流动控制方程空间离散采用基于非结构网格的有限体积方法, 对流通量采用计算HLLC格式, 非定常时间离散采用基于LU-SGS的双时间步长方法.模拟中, 气动运动和结构变形在双时间步长方法推进过程中采用改进松耦合方法, 气动网格与结构网格之间信息交换采用无限平板样条法实现, 飞行器的运动和变形采用基于重叠网格和Delaunay图映射变形网格相结合的方法进行处理.采用多个考核算例对发展的数值方法进行考核验证, 结果表明该方法可以高效精确模拟舵面开环控制下飞行器运动响应过程中的气动弹性特性.


    Abstract: A numerical simulation method using computational fluid dynamics/computational structure dynamics(CFD/CSD)coupling on the moving grids was presented and applied to the research of flap-control aeroelastic response. Navier-Stokes equations were adopted as governing equations with finite volume method based on unstructured grids in the spatial discretization. Convective fluxes were computed using HLLC Riemann solver. A LU-SGS operator was applied to time integrate, with 2nd order time-accuracy dual-time stepping method for temporal discretization. Structural dynamics used linear modal superposition method. In the simulation, CFD method was coupled with structural mode equations for aeroelastic numerical simulation by modified loose coupling. Transformations of surface loads and displacements between aerodynamic grids and structure grids were achieved by infinite plate spline method(IPS). Movement and deformation of aircraft were based on the combination of overlapping grids and Delaunay graph mapping method. The feasibility of the numerical simulation method developed in this paper was confirmed by multiple examples. Results show that this method can efficiently simulate the flap-control aeroelastic response in the process of flight maneuvering.


