主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Anisotropic Unstructured Mesh Adaption for Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in Low Emission Combustors

  • 摘要: 基于各向异性非结构网格生成技术, 开发了面向复杂几何和复杂湍流燃烧问题的自适应求解算法, 并进行了程序代码的可靠性验证工作, 展示了各向异性网格自适应算法在降低问题求解规模、提高火焰面和流场计算精度等方面的优势.应用该自适应求解技术准确捕捉到了一维预混层流火焰、二维对冲火焰和三维本生灯湍流火焰的流场信息, 火焰面附近的温度、速度、组分等物理量与实验值吻合很好.对一款富油-快速混合-贫油(rich-burn, quick-mix, lean-burn, RQL)低排放发动机燃烧室进行了计算分析, 发现了燃烧室内的热声不稳定现象.


    Abstract: Anisotropic unstructured mesh adaptation was developed to improve the accuracy of the numerical solutions of the complicated turbulent combustions in practical gas turbine combustors. Numerical solutions of four benchmark problems (oblique shock on a 15° wedge at Mach 2.5; one-dimensional premixed laminar flame; two-dimensional opposed flame; and three-dimensional premixed Bunsen flame) demonstrate the applicability of the proposed anisotropic mesh adaptation. The proposed method has been used to study the combustion in a low emission RQL(rich-burn, quick-mix, lean-burn) combustor and the underlying mixing process. The complex thermo-acoustic instabilities were captured well.


