主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Free Flight Test in Hypersonic Impulse Wind Tunnel

  • 摘要: 风洞模型自由飞试验利用高速相机记录自由飞行模型的运动历程, 再根据模型运动特征参数反演模型的气动特性.由于没有支撑系统的干扰, 该试验能够较真实地模拟飞行状态, 在飞行器静/动稳定特性研究中具有独特的优势.文章在JF-8A高超声速脉冲风洞中开展了10°尖锥模型自由飞试验, 并以圆球模型的自由飞运动测量风洞动压, 对模型运动特征参数的数字图像提取技术及气动参数的辨识方法等关键技术进行了研究.


    Abstract: Free flight test can obtain aerodynamic parameters using the model's motion trajectory, which was recorded by high speed camera. It has unique advantages in the study of aircraft dynamic/static stability for its characters of no support system because of its true simulation of the flight condition. A free flight test was carried out in the JF-8A hypersonic wind tunnel with a 10°cone model, simultaneously, a ball model was used to measure the dynamic pressure. In this paper, the key method of extracting motion parameters and aerodynamic characters were also introduced in detail.


