主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Analysis About Destabilization of Reentry Vehicles with Bifurcation Theory and its Numerical Validation

  • 摘要: 飞行器再入大气层时的姿态稳定性事关飞行安全, 是气动设计的关键问题之一.文章采用非线性自治动力系统分叉理论, 耦合求解非定常Navier-Stokes方程和俯仰运动方程, 研究了钝体和细长体两类航天飞行器再入过程单自由度俯仰运动失稳问题.研究表明, 航天飞行器再入时, 如果仅有1个配平攻角, 随Mach数降低, 其配平攻角处的俯仰姿态失稳一般对应于Hopf分叉, 并存在亚临界Hopf分叉和超临界Hopf分叉两种失稳形态; 如果再入时随着Mach数的降低, 其配平攻角由1个演化至多个(一般为3个), 其配平攻角处的俯仰姿态失稳形态将更为复杂, 可能发生鞍结点分叉形态的刚性失稳行为;随Mach数的进一步降低, 其俯仰运动还可能进一步发生Hopf分叉和同宿分叉.


    Abstract: The stabilization of reentry vehicles is the one of the most important problems in the design of aerodynamics, it is vital to the safety of flight especilly in the re-entry process. The destabilization of reentry vehicles with blunt body and slender body was studied using the bifurcation theory of nonlinear autonomous dynamic system, and the analysis was validated by numerical simulation coupling Navier-Stokes equations and pitching motion equations. The investigations show that, in the process of the astronautic vehicles reentering into the atmosphere, if there is only one trim angle of attack, the characteristic of dynamic destabilization nearby the trim angle would be the hopf bifurcation with the Mach number decreased, and the form of bifurcation is subcritical or supercritical. While the trim angles of attack increased(commomly from 1 to 3) with the Mach number decreased, the behavior of dynamic destabilization nearby the trim angle is more complex. Three critical Mach numbers may be emergent in turn in the decreased process of Mach number, and at these three critical Mach numbers, the corresponding behavior of destabilization is saddle-node bifurcation, hopf bifurcation and homoclinic bifurcation.


