主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Status of Ground Test for Hypersonic Aerodynamics and Its New Challenge

  • 摘要: 高超声速飞行器的发展对地面试验模拟提出了新的要求, 但是, 现有条件还不能完全满足这些要求.文章首先回顾和概述了气动研究地面试验所应遵循的一般性相似准则, 分析了现行气动力热和推进试验模拟的不足和所面临的挑战.经分析认为, 面对这些挑战, 现行的主要参数模拟部件相似模拟和局部相似模拟等方法仍然有效, 但应加强相似理论对地面试验的指导和计算对试验的支撑性作用, 并在必要时通过飞行试验对不完全相似模拟结果进行验证与确认.


    Abstract: New demands on ground tests were made because of the rapid development of novel hypersonic flight vehicles. However, these requirements can be hardly satisfied for the moment. In the present study, the general similarity rules of aerodynamic research in ground wind tunnels were reviewed. Then the shortcomings and challenges of ground test simulations of state-of-the-art aerodynamics, aerothermodynamics and propulsion were analyzed. It is concluded that the current critical parameter simulation, assembly simulation and local similarity simulation are still valid, whereas the ground test should be guided by similarity theory and supported by numerical calculation more intensively. Moreover, flight test should be conducted if necessary to validate and verify the results obtained with incomplete similarity simulation.


