主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Influence of Elastic Carrier to Dynamic Responses of Store

  • 摘要: 在外挂物投放过程中, 载机对外挂物具有气动干扰效应, 产生附加气动力.对于弹性机翼, 在外挂物分离投放时, 相当于给机翼一个初始扰动, 机翼将发生弹性振动, 该振动也会对外挂物带来气动干扰效应.通过耦合求解非定常N-S方程刚体六自由度方程和基于模态法的结构动力学方程, 对考虑弹性变形的载机外挂物分离投放过程进行模拟, 研究了弹性机翼对外挂物的气动干扰效应.研究结果表明:在外挂物分离初期, 弹性机翼的干扰对外挂物气动力响应产生显著影响, 机翼的主要结构模态频率决定了外挂物气动力的变化频率, 并且由载机机翼动弹性变形引起的干扰气动力能占到外挂物总气动力的一半左右.


    Abstract: The separation between the aircraft and store is one of the most important and difficult phases in air-launch-to-orbit technology. There exists strong aerodynamic interference between the aircraft and the store in store separation. When the aspect ratio of the aircraft is large, the elastic deformations of the wing must be considered. The main purpose of this article is to study the influence of the interference aerodynamics caused by the elastic deformations of the wing to the unsteady aerodynamics of the store. By solving the coupled functions of unsteady Navier-Stokes equations, six degrees of freedom dynamic equations and structural dynamic equations simultaneously, the store separation with the elastic deformation of the aircraft considered was simulated numerically. The interactive aerodynamic forces were analyzed. The study shows that the interference aerodynamics is obvious at earlier time during the separation, and the dominant frequency of the elastic wing determines the aerodynamic forces frequencies of the store. Besides, when the relative distance between the carrier and store is small, the interference aerodynamic forces caused by the elastic vibration of the carrier is about half of the total aerodynamic forces of the store.


