主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Operating Characteristic of the Horizontal Momentum Injection Actuator of Plasma Synthetic Jet

  • 摘要: 等离子体合成射流控制技术因其具有不需要外部气源、工作频带宽、射流速度高、射流净质量通量为零、低功耗、激励器形式多样、环境适应性强等特点,成为了目前针对高速流场主动流动控制技术中应用潜能大、有望实现实际工程应用突破的流动控制装置.传统的等离子体激励器的出口多为垂直于流向或与流向成一定夹角,故垂直于流向的动量分量会对激励器的流动控制能力产生影响.为增强流向动量注入能力,拟设计一种新型的水平动量注入型等离子体合成射流激励器.主要内容有:采用外部电路电参数测量与高速纹影技术,对激励器常压下单周期工作特性与重频工作特性进行了初步研究.对水平动量注入型等离子体合成射流激励器的射流结构进行了分析,探究了该激励器工作频率对射流流场的流场特性与控制能力的影响.最后在高速纹影测量的基础上,开展了激励器高频工作时均出口动压的研究.实验表明:水平动量注入型激励器单周期射流初始速度达到220 m/s,单周期激波初始速度达到477 m/s.此外,工作频率对于激励器的影响主要体现在对激励器控制范围的影响,当激励器工作频率增高时,在相同位置时激励器的动压输入能力下降.


    Abstract: Plasma synthetic jet technique not only has the advantages of synthetic jet, such as zero-net-mass-flux and needlessness for additional gas source, but also has the advantages of plasma, such as high working frequency and the ability of rapid response, which gives itself the great potential for application. The direction of the jet exit of traditional actuator has a definite angle with the horizontal direction. So the dynamic pressure is impacted by the direction of the jet exit of the actuator. The actuator was designed by the model of Narayanaswamy et al, in order to enhance the capability of horizontal momentum injection. Schlieren and the testing technique of electric parameters were used to test the operating characteristics of the horizontal momentum injection actuator. This paper mainly focused on the characteristic of flow-field and dynamic pres-sure. What's more, the experiment of dynamic pressure was conducted to research the flow control capability. The experimental results show that the initial velocities of jet front and blast wave reach about 220m/s and 477m/s, respectively. Moreover, the deposited energy decreases with the operating frequency, resulting in lower exit dynamic pressure.


