Analysis of Aerothermal Environment Characteristics of Hypersonic Rudder Shaft Gaps
摘要: 高超声速飞行器舵轴缝隙的存在影响流动结构以及相应的气动加热特性, 使得舵轴附近以及舵轴自身形成局部的高热流区域, 为局部防热安全带来隐患。针对高超声速平板/空气舵模型开展气动热环境数值模拟研究, 重点分析舵轴缝隙高度、舵偏角、来流Mach数以及来流高度等因素对于空气舵舵轴局部高热流影响规律。结果表明: 舵轴表面气动加热不均匀, 但局部热流峰值存在一定的规律: 表面峰值热流随着缝隙高度的增加呈先增后减趋势, 随着舵偏角的增加而增大, 随着来流Mach数的增加而增大, 随着来流高度的增加而减小。对于计算状态和计算模型, 表面峰值热流在舵轴缝隙高度约8 mm时达到最大值; 舵偏角35°时, 其峰值热流约为舵偏角0°时的3倍以上; 而对于来流高度超过40 km以后, 表面热流峰值相对已减小至极小值。Abstract: Rudder shaft gaps of hypersonic vehicles affect the flow structure and corresponding aerodynamic heating characteristics, resulting in local peak heating near the rudder shaft, which poses a safety risk to the local thermal protection system. Numerical simulation of aerothermal environment was carried out for hypersonic plate/rudder, and the influence of gap height, declination angle, Mach number and flight altitude was analyzed. The results show that the peak heating on the surface of rudder shaft increases first and then decreases with the increase of gap height. It also increases with the increase of declination angle and Mach number, and decreases with the increase of flight altitude. For the calculation state and calculation model in this paper, the peak surface heat flux reaches the maximum value when the gap height of the rudder shaft is about 8 mm. When the rudder declination angle is 35°, the peak heat flow is about 3 times more than that of the rudder declination angle of 0°. For incoming flow heights of more than 40 km, the peak value of surface heat flow has been reduced to a minimum.