主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Experimental Study on the Influence of Gas Injection on Aerodynamic Heating

  • 摘要: 气体引射效应是树脂基烧蚀材料主要的热耗散机制之一,显著影响烧蚀热防护系统的防隔热特性。基于激波风洞试验设备,开展了气体引射对下游气动加热影响的测热试验研究,获得了不同引射气体及其不同流量、来流Mach数、Reynolds数等因素对气动加热的影响量,并对考虑引射效应的气动热数值模拟方法进行了充分的验证;结合数值模拟结果,总结了不同边界层流态条件下气体引射对气动加热影响的无量纲关联式,给出了影响热阻塞效应的关键参数。层流状态下的气体引射冷却效果很好,当吹风比F=0.483%时,层流区域壁面最大冷却效率接近100%;由于湍流边界层的强掺混特性,边界层转捩后湍流区域的冷却效率急剧减小;冷却气体比热容越大,相同质量流量条件下相同温升所能带走的热量更多,气体引射冷却效果更好。


    Abstract: The gas injection effect is the main heat dissipation mechanism of ablative materials, which would significantly affect the thermal insulation characteristics of ablative thermal protection systems. Based on the shock tube wind tunnel, the experimental study on the influence of gas injection on downstream aero-heating was conducted. The influence of factors such as gas injection, mainstream Mach number, Reynolds number was obtained. Combined with numerical simulation results, the correlations of the influence of gas injection on aero-heating were obtained under laminar and turbulent boundary layer flow conditions. The cooling efficiency of gas injection for laminar boundary layer is remarkable. The maximum cooling efficiency for laminar boundary layer is close to 100% when the blowing ratio F=0.483%. The cooling efficiency would decrease sharply when the boundary layer transition occurs because of the strong mixing effect of turbulent boundary layer. The larger the specific heat capacity of cooling gas, the better the cooling effect.


