主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Experiment for Heat Transport and Flow Structure of a Two-Layer Thermal Convection

  • 摘要: 双层热对流系统广泛存在于自然界中。为研究该系统的传热规律,刻画其中的流动结构特性,在矩形对流槽中使用甘油和2 cs硅油两种互不相溶的液体作为工作介质。位于底部的甘油液体层宽高比为10.4,其下表面是无滑移固液边界,上表面为滑移交界面,底部甘油层的实验参数为Rayleigh数范围260≤Ra1≤6 000,Prandtl数范围3 708<Pr1<7 000。硅油液体层的宽高比约为0.53,上表面为无滑移固液边界,硅油层Rayleigh数范围1.5×109Ra2≤2.0×1010,Prandtl数范围28<Pr2<33。发现两层对流系统在两个区间内有不同的传热效率和流动状态。在区间1,即传热功率小于某个特定热流时,下面甘油层处于稳定层流状态。而在区间2,即传热功率大于该热流时,甘油层内液体处于不稳定对流状态。随着全局温差的增加,两层热对流系统的全局传热效率从区间1到区间2有一个突然的增加。甘油层的振荡失稳临界Rayleigh数为1 523,这个数值小于无限大平板无滑移边界的理论预测值1 708,即滑移边界可使流体更不稳定,并使得硅油层的传热效率增加。采用阴影法对该系统内的对流斑图、交界面以及热羽流等流动结构进行了进一步刻画和分析。


    Abstract: Two-layer thermal convection exists widely in nature. In the present work, an experiment was conducted to investigate the heat transport and flow structure in two-layer thermal convection. In a rectangular convection cell, two immiscible fluids, glycerol and 2 cs silicone oil, were used as the working fluids. In the lower-thin glycerol layer, the bottom boundary was subjected to a no-slip boundary condition (BC), and the interface was subjected to slip BC. The aspect ratio of glycerol layer (lower) was Γ1=10.4. The Rayleigh number and Prandtl number of the glycerol layer covered the ranges of 260≤Ra1≤6 000 and 3 708 < Pr1 < 7 000, respectively. In the upper-thick silicone oil layer, the boundary at the top was subjected to no-slip BC. The aspect ratio of silicone oil (upper) was Γ2=0.53. The Rayleigh number and Prandtl number of the silicone oil layer covered the ranges of 1.5×109Ra2≤2.0×1010 and 28 < Pr2 < 33. It is found that the two-layer thermal convection has different heat transfer efficiencies and flow structures in two regions. For region 1 where the heat flux is smaller than a certain value, the glycerol layer (lower) is in a stable stratified state. For region 2 where the heat flux is greater than the certain value, a cellular pattern was formed in glycerol layer and the global heat transport was sharply increased through a subcritical bifurcation. The heat transport of glycerol layer exhibits oscillatory instability at the critical Rayleigh number Ra1c=1 523, which is smaller than the theoretic value 1 708 of critical value Ra for the 2D infinite Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RBC) with both rigid BCs. It reveals that the slip BC makes the fluid become unstable easier and enhances the heat transport. A measurement with shadowgraph method was further conducted. The cellular pattern of glycerol layer, the interface and hot plumes were also studied.


