主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Experiment on Shock Wave Control of a Hypersonic Vehicle Standard Model Based on Plasma Synthetic Jet

  • 摘要: 基于等离子体合成射流(plasma synthetic jet, PSJ)的新型主动流动控制技术由于具有无需气源、控制力强及激励频带宽等优势,在激波控制领域极具应用潜力。在高超声速风洞中,通过实验研究了单脉冲PSJ对高超声速飞行器标模头部弓形激波及侧翼激波的控制效果及其对飞行器的减阻作用。结果表明,逆向PSJ可使高超声速飞行器标模头部弓形激波脱体距离显著增大,横向PSJ可使侧翼激波基本消除。动态力传感器测得飞行器最大瞬时减阻率约为15.5%,但传感器测得的阻力变化存在大约250 μs的延迟。还研究了放电能量、来流总压、出口直径和腔体体积对头部弓形激波控制效果的影响。


    Abstract: The novel active flow control technology based on plasma synthetic jet (PSJ) has great application potential in the field of shock wave control due to its advantages such as no gas source, strong control ability, and wide excitation frequency band. The control effect of single-pulsed PSJ on head bow shock and wing shock of a hypersonic vehicle model and the drag reduction effect were experimentally studied in a hypersonic wind tunnel. The results show that the opposing PSJ can significantly increase the standoff distance of the head bow shock, and the transverse PSJ can basically eliminate the wing shock completely. The maximum instantaneous drag reduction rate of the vehicle measured by the dynamic force sensor is about 15.5%, but the drag change measured by the sensor has a delay of about 250 μs. The influence of discharge energy, incoming flow total pressure, exit diameter, and cavity volume on the control effect of the head bow shock was also studied.


