主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Aeroheating of the Main Engine Jet of a Reusable Launch Vehicle

  • 摘要: 面对称重复使用运载器出于俯仰配平控制需求通常会在力臂最长的尾端面布置体襟翼, 飞行过程中发动机喷流对体襟翼产生强烈局部干扰加热, 底部发动机喷流体襟翼干扰加热精确预示是重复使用运载器热防护设计的关键问题。首先开展全尺度局部燃气流风洞测热试验, 针对高温燃气与体襟翼直接干扰、二次干扰量值及规律进行了分析; 进一步开展多组分气体模型燃气喷流干扰数值模拟研究, 通过燃气流风洞试验数据对数值仿真的正确性进行了验证, 分析了典型飞行工况喷流干扰热特性及变化规律; 通过研究详细分析了喷流干扰热流与流场压力特性间关联性关系, 在传统喷流直接干扰热流与压力比拟关系基础上进一步获得了二次干扰主控因素与干扰关系, 且通过相关性分析发现二次干扰区热流相对同等工况直接干扰压力相关性强度增幅达84%以上。预测分析方法对重复使用运载器底部热防护设计具有重要的理论意义和工程应用价值。


    Abstract: A body flap is usually arranged on the base of the plane-symmetry reusable launch vehicle with the longest moment arm for the need of pitch balancing control. Jet interaction from main engine with body flaps is an important problem that cannot be ignored in the design of reusable launch vehicles, which would cause severe regional heating of the flaps and increase technical difficulty of thermal protection design. In this paper, the high temperature jet interaction with the body flaps was studied in a combustion gas flow wind tunnel experiment, and jet heating characteristics of direct acting and secondary interference were obtained and analyzed. Then, numerical simulations on the complex jet interaction flow field for typical flight conditions were carried out using a multi-species frozen model which is verified by the experiment data. Finally, correlation analyses of heat flux and flow field characteristics both for the jet direct acting and secondary interfe-rence were performed, by which the jet heating main controlling factors and correlations were obtained for two different interference types. Such method is very effective to realize a fast and accurate jet heating prediction for a reusable launch vehicle.


