主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Surface Recombination Effects on the Electromagnetic Parameters and the Plasma Sheath of Reentry Vehicles

  • 摘要: 针对超高声速流动中的高温真实气体效应, 采用数值模拟求解考虑化学非平衡的三维Navier-Stokes(N-S)方程, 研究了壁面催化对典型再入飞行器等离子体鞘套及电磁参数的影响规律. 研究发现: (1)完全催化壁条件下等离子体密度计算结果与飞行试验符合较好; (2)完全催化壁条件下, 离解原子在壁面的复合导致波后气体可压缩性增强, 相对非催化壁, 激波脱体距离降低, 温度升高, 等离子体密度降低; (3)对于碰撞频率, 沿滞止流线, 完全催化壁面条件下的碰撞频率要低于非催化壁; (4)对于相对介电常数, 在激波附近, 完全催化壁面条件下的介电常数实部要高于非催化壁, 而虚部则低于非催化壁; (5)壁面催化对等离子体鞘套电导率的影响和对相对介电常数影响规律一致.


    Abstract: For the research on high temperature real gas effects of high-speed flows, numerical simulation was applied to study the surface recombination effects on the plasma sheath and electromagnetic parameters of the typical reentry body by solving the 3D Navier-Stokes(N-S) equations considering chemical non-equilibrium. The results show that, (1) the plasma density under full catalytic wall condition conforms with the variation trend of flight test results; (2) the dissociated atoms recombine on the full catalytic wall, resulting in the more compressible gas, the shorter shock off-body distance, the higher temperature and lower plasma density; (3) along the stagnation line, the collision frequency under the full-catalytic wall condition near the shock wave is smaller than that under the non-catalytic wall condition; (4) for the relative dielectric constant, the real part of the relative dielectric constant under the full-catalytic wall condition is bigger than that under the non-catalytic wall condition, while the imaginary part under the full-catalytic wall condition is smaller than that under the non-catalytic wall condition; (5)the influence of surface recombination on the conductivity of the plasma sheath is consistent with that on the relative dielectric constant.


