主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Physical Model-Based Airframe Noise Prediction for Civil Aircraft

  • 摘要: 为实现民机总体方案快速评估与优化迭代设计,文章对民机增升装置前缘缝翼及后缘襟翼分别建立了基于民机噪声物理机制的预测模型,在此基础上搭建了机体噪声预测体系,开发了相应的预测工具UNICRAFT.为评估预测工具UNICRAFT的计算精度和效率,文章分别针对翼吊式布局,前缘缝翼/Fowler式襟翼形式,以及尾吊式布局,前缘缝翼\双缝子翼加后退式襟翼形式的增升装置进行了计算校核验证,通过与声学风洞试验结果对比分析,验证了本文发展的预测工具及预测体系的有效性,能够实现飞机级噪声水平的高效预测.


    Abstract: In order to realize the rapid evaluation and optimization for general configurations of civil aircraft, a prediction model based on physical mechanism of aircraft noise was established for the leading edge slat and the trailing edge flap of the civil aircraft high lift device, and the corresponding noise prediction system named UNICRAFT was developed. In order to evaluate the calculation accuracy and efficiency of the tool UNICRAFT, this article focused on two general configurations. One was the wing hanging layout configuration, including the leading edge slat and Fowler flap. Another was the tail hanging layout configuration, which includes the leading edge slat and the receding flap with fixed sub-flap. The noise levels of both configurations have been calculated and verified. Finally, the effectiveness of the prediction tools for aircraft-level noise was verified by the comparison with the results of acoustic wind tunnel tests and prediction.


