主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Fast CFD Tool Development for Aircraft Engineering

  • 摘要: CFD分析技术目前已经成为飞机设计的主要手段,国外主要飞机制造商依托自主知识产权的核心求解器从事气动专业相关工作,如美国波音公司自主开发的TRANAIR软件1.一款能够成功应用到工程上的CFD工具必须满足计算快速、分析准确、操作简单、运行稳定、功能全面等5方面要求,因此开发了面向工程应用的CFD快速自动分析SUN程序2,采用内外流耦合流场分析技术,实现从前处理、网格生成、流场求解到后处理全流程一体化分析,可对机身、机翼、挂架和短舱部件组合的任意构型飞机亚声速和跨声速流场进行快速分析,形成具有中国商飞自主知识产权的核心CFD快速求解器,实现气动设计领域关键核心技术自主可控,在中国商飞多个项目中已经得到初步应用、支撑了相关工作开展.


    Abstract: CFD gradually plays an increasingly important role in aircraft design and turns out to be the major method at present. One of the most famous and successful tools is TRANAIR, which has been a workhorse tool for Boeing aerodynamic design for more than a decade. Industry has quite strict demands on CFD tools, including better computing efficiency, accuracy, convenience and robustness. To meet these requirements, Beijing Aircraft Science and Technology Research Institute (BASTRI) of China Commercial Aircraft Corporation (COMAC) has developed an in-house code, named as SUN code, which could automatically generate body-fitted structured overset mesh, with grid projection method originally proposed by the author, for aircraft configurations composed of any number of fuselage, wing, pylon and nacelle type components and analyze the steady flow based on inviscid-viscous coupling method. The distinguishing feature of SUN code is that the process of pre-treatment, mesh generation, flow analysis and post-treatment is fully automated.


