主管部门: 中国航天科技集团有限公司
主办单位: 中国航天空气动力技术研究院


Numerical Investigation on Mixing and Combustion of Transverse Jet in a High-Enthalpy Crossflow

  • 摘要: 尾迹区作为横向射流流场的重要结构受到广泛关注,其掺混和燃烧特性对近壁面区域的流场特性有重要影响.文章在对仿真充分验证的基础上,采用Reynolds平均模拟方法对Ma=8飞行条件下高焓横向射流尾迹区中的掺混和燃烧特性进行了数值研究.探究了冷热流场尾迹区中的氢气掺混特性,冷态流场尾迹区中的激波结构对氢气分布产生一定影响,热态流场尾迹区中存在多种氢气掺混路径.V形回流区中的高浓度氢气对燃烧产生了一定的阻碍作用.定量测量了尾迹区中的火焰结构,尾迹区火焰的顶点位置随高度增加向下游线性移动,受射流主流影响,尾迹区火焰的展向宽度在距离壁面一定高度后开始增大.对冷热流场中的主要参数进行了对比,燃烧消耗了氢气使温度升高,但是尾迹区中的流动速度没有明显增加,燃烧放出的热量没有完全转化为流体的动能.


    Abstract: As an important structure in the flow field of jet in crossflow, the wake region has attracted wide attention. Its mixing and combustion characteristics have an important impact on the flow field near the wall. After the full verification of the simulation, the mixing and combustion characteristics of the high-enthalpy transverse jet in the wave region under Mach 8 flight conditions were numerically studied using Reynolds average Navier-Stokes simulation method. The mixing characteristics of hydrogen in the wake region of the cold and hot flow field were studied. The shock structure in the wake region of the cold flow field affects the distribution of hydrogen to some extent. There are several different hydrogen mixing paths in the wake region of the hot flow field. The flame structure in the wake region was measured quantitatively. The position of the flame vertex in the wake region moves downstream linearly with the increase of the height. Affected by the jet mainstream, the flame width begins to increase above a certain height from the wall. The main parameters in the cold and hot flow field were compared. The combustion consumes hydrogen to increase the temperature, but the flow velocity in the wake region does not increase significantly as the heat released by combustion does not completely convert into the kinetic energy of the fluid.


