CHAP3D code is a three-dimensional elastic-plastic Lagrangian program developed by IAPCM. The contact parallel algorithms used in CHAP3D code for the clusters of multi-processors were introduced in this paper. The dual domain decomposition method and two strategies of contact domain decomposition were adopted in these parallel contact algorithms. One is to distribute a pair of whole contact surfaces to a processor, and a communication between the computational domain and the contact domain was established. The serial contact search algorithm and the contact forces algorithm can be applied directly. The other is to divide the master surface mesh into every processor. Two types of communications, the communication between the computational domain and the contact domain and the communication among all the processors in the contact domain, should be constructed in this contact parallel algorithm. The contact parallel algorithm is a scalable parallel algorithm with load-balance. The numerical examples illustrate that these two types of contact parallel algorithms have the abilities to simulate different types of contact problems.